Meet Our Amazing Instructors

Yang Bao
Master of Science in Financial Mathematics, The University of Chicago;
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Finance, Northeastern University.
Professional Experience:
Yang works full time in Investment Management firm, currently her major responsibility covers data analysis and data structure within Research Department. She has been actively tutoring elementary and middle school students in person and virtual in Illinois and North Carolina prior to participation in Math Kangaroo.
Instructor Approach:
As being a bilingual speaker, Yang sees mathematics as another language that can be embedded into thinking and speaking of people. While supporting students to learn techniques and practice skills that help solve mathematical problems more efficiently, she encourages class cohorts to share their approaches and hopes to help students establish reasoning capability in sense of mathematics that can unleash their potential in areas beyond math learning.

Dilip Barman
B.A. Mathematical Sciences, Johns Hopkins University;
M.Sc. Computer Science, Marist College;
Sc. M. Computer Science, Brown University;
Professional Experience:
Has taught math for decades and currently teaches at a school he helped to found in NC, Mathematics Institute of the Triangle, NC School of Science and Math, and math circle for early elementary students at Stanford University and UNC.
He homeschooled his daughter grades 1-8. Tutors math for students of all ages.
Instructor Approach:
I love to teach. I have taught courses in computer literacy and programming to film studies, photography, cooking and nutrition, and artificial intelligence.

Zoya Dimitrova
Master of Science, Informatics and Mathematical Modeling, Sofia University, Bulgaria
Professional Experience:
Biostatistician at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Math Kangaroo Instructor since 2006, Math Kangaroo State Director
Instructor Approach:
I enjoy the Math Kangaroo problems and have led several math circles for students of different ages.

Diana Holan
Master in Education
Professional Experience:
Elementary and middle school teacher for 30 years in both private and public schools instructing in an in-person and online format. Math Kangaroo Manager and Math Kangaroo Coach
Instructor Approach:
Math is my favorite subject to teach. I like to offer students various methods of approaching a given problem, then help them apply those concepts to real-life situations through detailed, logical, and organized explanations.
I strive to help students achieve their utmost potential because I believe all students have the capability to be successful if they put their minds to it.

Sumit Kohli
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering
Master of Business Administration in Project Management
Professional Experience:
Principle architect at T-Mobile, Math tutor for elementary and middle-school students with MATHCOUNTS, Math Olympiad, Code Buster, Fermi, Math League, and Math Kangaroo
Instructor Approach:
I love to raise math awareness in kids, share creative and interactive strategies, and inspire kids to be their best in STEM.

Dr. Van Koroleva
PhD, Applied Mathematics
Professional Experience:
Industrial research. Taught applied mathematics and introductory physics courses to hundreds of college students in small group sessions. Developing new courses and teaching grade school students.
Instructor Approach:
I let students discover mathematics by guiding them through the problem solving process. Not only does this approach help them remember mathematical concepts better, but it also helps them become independent learners. I also found that incorporating stories about the history of mathematics and its many applications greatly enhances students’ interest in the subject.

Lucia Liu
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering
Master of Business Administration
Professional Experience:
Math teacher, Vice President, Director of Administration, Office Director, Executive Assistant to CEO, Program Manager, Sales Manager, Marketing Manager
Instructor Approach:
I firmly believe that mathematics is the foundation of all subjects. So, for over ten years, I have devoted myself to mathematics education. I am a passionate, hard-working, determined, and highly motivated person who is supportive of others when they need my help or assistance.

Dr. Sarah Sagi
PhD, Biomedical Sciences, UC San Diego
Professional Experience:
Teacher/Head Coach of the Deer Canyon Elementary School Math Club
Instructor Approach:
As a teacher I try to help students understand new material through the activities they already enjoy. My teaching philosophy is to listen to my students and respect their mind’s thinking patterns. We learn based on our unique experiences.

Samvel Sahakyan
Master of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics from the State University of Armenia
Master of Science in Data Science from Cornell University
Professional Experience:
Mathematician and inventor in the IT sector. Designs programs for math competitions and Olympiads, such as AMC-8, AMC-10, and more. Math Kangaroo state director.
Instructor Approach:
My passion for math came early in life when I won several math Olympiads and competitions, including a national Olympiad. Many of the students I tutor are winners of national and state competitions.

Mahmut Secilmis
Master in Education, pursuing Doctorate in Leadership.
Professional Experience:
I am a school administrator. I have a math 6-12 teaching certificate, Gifted and Talented K-12 certificate. I have been teaching and tutoring math for more than fourteen years, including the following courses: elementary math, middle school math, ACT math, SAT math, TSI math, STAAR math, Common Core, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Precalculus, AMC, Gifted and Talented, CogAT, STEM. I also coached Math Kangaroo, Math Counts, Math Madness, Math CON, Math is Cool, chess.
Instructor Approach:
My goal is to make sure my students understand in depth the concepts we cover. Following our exploration of a particular topic, I create a similar question to the one we have previously worked on, and challenge them to solve it, providing guidance as necessary when the students need it.

Dr. Ying Yang
Master of Engineering
Ph.D. Business
Professional Experience:
University professor, founder of the iGrow Club, math club volunteer
Instructor Approach:
I enjoy exploring the world of math with curious minds and I am passionate about motivating children to love math.

Justin Li
Pursuing Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Physics at Harvard
Professional Experience:
Tutored in many subjects, especially math, for 4 years. Math Kangaroo Competitor Experience: 6x national winner (all with perfect scores), 12x participant
Instructor Approach:
As a recent competitor in Math Kangaroo as well as other math competitions, I can highly relate to both the triumphs and struggles of competitive math. I see my role as a catalyst in achieving your student’s full potential through challenging and supporting them. I place a high emphasis on developing your student’s mathematical skills, but ultimately, I hope to inspire my students to love the process of problem solving.

Alex Korchev
Undergraduate at Brown University, studying Applied Math and Economics. Coursework includes AP Statistics and AP Calculus BC self-studied, dual enrollment classes from UMass Lowell include Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations. Also participated in an intensive summer program, where course material included linear algebra, graph theory, and elementary algebraic topology.
Professional Experience:
Math Kangaroo online teaching assistant (2 years), RSM Math tutor (3 years), School math team captain, 4x AIME Qualifier, National winner of Math Kangaroo and AMC8
Instructor Approach:
I focus on ensuring that students are not only using formulas to find the answer but that they truly understand the reasoning behind why we can use them, and can appreciate the beauty of the mathematical concepts we discuss. I try to ask guiding questions and give hints that enable the student to figure out the problem on their own, and build a sense of logic that will allow them to solve trickier competition problems in the future.

Ananya Mahadevan
Student at Harvey Mudd College (graduating in 2028).
Professional Experience:
Math Kangaroo teaching assistant, peer tutor (for grade 6 math through geometry), 4-time AIME qualifier, president of school math club.
Instructor Approach:
Having enjoyed competitive math, including Math Kangaroo, from a young age, I want to show students how they can use their creativity to approach competitive math problems. By understanding a student’s thought process, I also hope to encourage them to have fun and explore different strategies when solving problems. My goal is to guide students through various problem-solving techniques, providing them with the skills and confidence to tackle challenging problems independently.

Rafi Razmi
PVCICS high school senior, graduating in 2025. Took math classes with Johns Hopkins University CTY and other institutions in addition to the International Baccalaureate curriculum.
Professional Experience:
Math Kangaroo teaching assistant for several years, as well as National Honor Society peer tutor and individual math tutor to several students. Several-time Math Kangaroo national winner and MathCounts chapter winner.
Instructor Approach:
Successful problem-solving is built on firm understanding of mathematical concepts and strategies, which I focus on teaching intuitively and understandably. By laying strong foundations and guiding students through problems while letting them reach solutions through their own methods, I aim to help them discover the fun in mathematics and prepare them for independent success.

Yelisey Romanov
Pembroke Hill School Senior (graduating in 2025), took AP Calculus BC in sophomore year (earned 5); additional math training includes Honors Level classes at RSM (7 years).
Professional Experience:
Math Kangaroo Online Teacher Assistant, Math Kangaroo Student Helper, Math Kangaroo Homework Problem Creator, state and nationally ranked winner of Math Kangaroo, Math League, and MathCounts, captain of the school math team.
Instructor Approach:
A strong foundation in math is key to solving any mathematical problem. Therefore, I focus on helping students understand the basic strategy, and then mastering it. Because each student is unique, I also like to explore new ways of problem-solving. Mathematics is an important subject because of its numerous applications, and I always try to demonstrate that aspect through my teaching.

Maya Viswanathan
College student at Yale. Took Math classes at UIUC: Fundamentals of Mathematics, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Number Theory, Set Theory and Topology
Professional Experience:
Math Kangaroo online class teaching assistant, creator of MK video solutions, 4x national winner (all with perfect scores), 10x participant, leader of math club
Instructor Approach:
I want to share my love of math with other students. I help them arrive at solutions themselves, by giving hints and encouraging them to try different approaches. Although math is a rigorous subject, I never forget to have fun.

Renee Wang
Student at University Laboratory High school. Taking Math Classes at University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana.
Professional Experience:
Math Kangaroo online TA, leader of school math club and tutored K-5 in mathematics. Ranked in both State and National levels for Math Kangaroo, Math league and State Math Competitions.
Instructor Approach:
Math is a fun subject, but requires a deep understanding of underlying concepts. Thus, I focus on setting a strong understanding of the fundamental ideas behind math problems. Moreover, Math Kangaroo problems often have very creative solutions. I hope to have students appreciate the beauty behind such solutions and develop an interest to pursue math independently.