Math Kangaroo Day
Instructions for Students and Parents

In-person Competition Instructions

General rules for In-person Center students

  • Make sure you know the detailed address of the competition location, the date and time of the test and the manager’s email in case you have questions. This information is in your registration confirmation email from


    and the parent account.
  • Make sure you read the email that the center manager sends. Follow the information there.
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes before the assigned competition start time.
  • During the check you will receive a competition booklet and this answer sheet. The ID number, name, and grade are printed there already.
  • Before or after the test you will also receive a ribbon/bookmark, pencil, and a souvenir.
  • Calculators or smartphones are NOT allowed during the test.
  • Scratch paper and a pencil will be provided to you by a proctor.
  • You are allowed to bring your own pencils and erasers.
  • The test is a multiple-choice format with 24 questions for students grades 1-4, and 30 questions for grades 5-12.
  • After the test you must turn in the answer sheet and test booklet to the proctor.
  • The test booklet can be picked up by appointment on or after April 1.
  • There is no make-up test for in-person or online students.
  • During the competition photos will be taken and might be used on Math Kangaroo pages. If you do not wish to be photographed, make sure you indicated it online during the registration .
  • If for any reason you are absent on the test day, you are still eligible to receive the ribbon/bookmark, gift, pencil, and test booklet.
  • Math Kangaroo will post the answer key to the test one month and one day after the official competition date. Math Kangaroo will announce winners and the results on May 1.
* Note 1: Use Play and Learn Easy Way to practice real MK exam questions. All 2010 and 2020 practice exams are free for all students.

General rules in the proctoring room:

Obey test proctors.
Respect others, do not talk, make noise, or share items with others.
Raise your hand if you have a question; quietly wait for the proctor to come to you.
Have nothing on the desk except writing utensils, scratch paper, answer sheet
and the question booklet.
Do not turn around to look at other students’ answers.
Do not have food or drinks (except bottled water).
Do not bring and use calculators, phones, or other electronics.

Online Center Competition Instructions

General Rules for Online Center students:

  • Online centers’ students will take the Math Kangaroo competition test online. It is necessary to have a quiet testing room and assure 100% integrity with independent test taking – even though at home.
  • Math Kangaroo will send an email with test login and password one or two days before the competition.
  • Math Kangaroo Center manager will send an email with a proctoring link (zoom, google meet or other).
  • A student can access the test ONLY on the date and time shown in the competition registration record.
  • At least 15 minutes before the scheduled test time a student joins the online meeting through the link provided by a manager.
  • A student should have the camera on, and the microphone muted so the proctor can see the student during the testing time.
  • A student accesses the test through the link provided earlier by email.
  • It is recommended to close all other tabs to avoid interruptions in the testing progress on the proctoring platform.
  • The manager will unlock the exam for all students.
  • A student will have 75 minutes to work on the exam after clicking the “start exam” button.
  • Calculators, smartphones, or other aids are NOT allowed during the test.
  • Blank scratch paper and any writing utensils are allowed.
  • The test has a multiple-choice format with 24 questions for students grades 1-4, and 30 questions for grades 5-12.
  • There is no make-up test for in-person or online students.
  • During the competition photos will be taken and might be used on Math Kangaroo pages. If you do not wish to be photographed, make sure you indicated it online during the registration.
  • If for any reason you are absent on the test day, you are still eligible to receive the ribbon/bookmark, gift, pencil and test booklet.
  • Math Kangaroo will post the answer key to the test one month and one day after the official competition date. Math Kangaroo will announce winners and the results on May 1.
  • The exam will be available for review, question-by-question, after May 1.
* Note 1: For younger children it is OK for a parent to help with setting up the proctoring environment and even access the test. Once the test is accessed the student should not have a parent with him/her in the same room. A parent should be available in case a student needs any technical help (internet connection, exam submission, working camera etc.).
** Note 2: Use Play and Learn Easy Way to practice real MK exam questions. All 2010 and 2020 practice exams are free for all students.

General rules in the proctoring room:

Obey test proctors and be an independent test taker.
Respect others and do not turn your microphone on.
Raise your hand if you have a question or send the question through a private chat;
quietly wait for the proctor to answer you.
Have nothing on your desk except writing utensils and scratch paper.
Do not turn around or ask others to help you solve the problems.
Do not use calculators, phones, or other electronics during the testing.