Frequently Asked Questions
About the Test
The Math Kangaroo exam is a 75 minute multiple-choice test for students in grades 1-12. There are 24 questions for students in grades 1-4 and 30 questions for students in grades 5 and higher. Kindergarten students are welcome to participate at grade 1.
Every student qualifies who can read and work independently at his/her school grade level.
The Math Kangaroo competition takes place once a year on the 3rd Thursday in March.
The International Math Kangaroo Committee, AKSF ( selects the questions.
Each question has a point value. 1/3 of questions are 3 points each, 1/3 – 4 points each, 1/3 – 5 points each. The sum of earned points is the student’s result. There are no points taken away for answering questions incorrectly.
The best score is 96 at grades 1-4, and 120 at grades 5-12.

The cost to participate in the Math Kangaroo USA competition is $18 per student during the regular registration period (September 15th to December 31st) and $35 per student during late registration (January 1st to February 1st).
Here is the instruction how to check the Math Kangaroo test result.
Answer sheets are kept eleven months after the competition.
Requests for photo-copies of sheets or re-scoring involve time. We ask for a donation of $15.
Click here to go to the donation page. Include student’s id, name, grade and the participation place: state, city, and center’s name. Send your requests to in**@ma**********.org. Please allow up to two weeks for processing.
Note: Answer sheets are shredded eleven months after the competition.
There are different reasons for not receiving points:
Inaccurately marked answer
Wrong answer
Missing answer
More than one answer for the same question
Math Kangaroo uses DataMate, a web-based assessment management tool to process and score paper answer sheets and the Oasis LMS to process and score electronic tests.