Math Kangaroo Awards
We recognize students who earn twenty top scores at each grade nationally.
Gold medals are awarded for the first place at each grade nationwide. Silver medals are awarded for the second place at each grade nationwide. Bronze medals are awarded for the third place at each grade nationwide.
In states we recognize students who earn the three top scores at each grade.
Blue Ribbons are awarded for the first place in state. Red Ribbons are awarded for the second place in state. White Ribbons are awarded for the third place in state.
In addition to medals and ribbons, the national and state winners are awarded with the Certificates of Ranking and gifts.
Math Kangaroo gifts may include: books, games, gift cards, toys, digital kits.
Math Kangaroo awards may include: college grants, cash award recognitions and mathematical summer camps.
Priority with receiving grants and camps belongs to students who participated in Math Kangaroo for several years with top scores.
Awards must be claimed by September 1 of the year of the competition.
Camp and Scholarship Eligibility:
Math Kangaroo 2024 Awards and Special Recognitions: